
Actively seek a more plastic-free life in 2020 with our guide

plastic free

Plastic waste is causing far more damage to marine life then it’s worth. But thanks to greater awareness and concern ...

Benefits of Eating Grass Fed Meat

Grass fed meat

The quality of what we eat is important, but the provenience of our food is just as critical. We’re already familiar ...

How to balance environment and style in your living room

living room

If you’re looking to give your home or log cabin a fresh, eco-friendly new look to greet the summer this year, check ...

Combatting climate change using your garden


The environment is being dramatically affected due to climate change. It’s causing glaciers to shrink, ice on rivers ...

Greener gardens: how to reduce exposure to air pollution

clean air

Air pollution is undeniably becoming a growing issue for communities around the world. For example, the Guardian ...

The Environmental Benefits of Living in Shared Spaces


There are many benefits to living in shared spaces, especially in highly populated urban areas, where space has a high ...