5 Ways to Maintain Your Corn Maze
Corn mazes are a prime feature of the fall. They allow people to have a fun experience while wandering through the twists and turns of the maze. Corn mazes are great for people of all ages.
So you decided to make a corn maze this year. You’ve got it all planted, designed, and cut. So now comes the wait until it is socially appropriate to open up the maze because no one wants to do a corn maze in July.
While you wait, and really throughout the entire corn maze season, you will need to diligently maintain your maze to ensure optimal quality and experience.
If you own a corn maze, you hopefully know that plants need water to live. Make sure you are regularly watering your corn, again even though the peak of the season.
Failure to do to so will at the very least make your corn brown, withered and pathetic looking. At the worst, you won’t have a corn maze halfway through the season.
This extends to all aspects of good plant treatment. It is important to start now because while I noted this care should occur for the entire life of your corn maze, it is much harder to do when thousands of people are visiting your maze every day.
Weather Mitigation
There isn’t a ton you can do about this factor. The weather will so whatever it wants and we just get to deal with it. The important thing to do here is to make sure that you have properly irrigated fields so that when it does rain, the water has a place to drain so that you are not having your customers walk through a mud pie.
Other then rain weather factors are difficult to mitigate. Make sure next year you carefully research what corn will be best to grow in your region.
Clear paths
One potential hazard is the paths. The paths of the corn maze can become cluttered with weeds, plant debris, and fallen corn stalks. Now, these may not seem harmful, but a good tangle of these is enough to trip someone, and the very least make for a very unappealing look and experience for your visitors.
You can rake the paths to clear them of all debris. Once the paths are clear of all clutter, you can cover them. Some people like laying down woodchips as a nice cover to the paths. It marks the path clearly and helps prevent sprouts on the path.
Sometimes, people get the wrong idea about a maze and like to forge their own way through the rows of corn. Not only does this defeat the purpose of the maze, but it also can destroy it.
You can buy netting to place along the paths. It will allow the visitors to see the clearly marked paths and help eliminate confusion while providing gentle encouragement that should be enough to keep most everybody in the paths.
While the point of going to a maze is to get temporarily lost, you don’t want people getting too lost. Many owners implement spotters to make sure people don’t get too lost in the maze. Spotters essentially just sit on a tower or deer stands to make sure they can see everything that is going on in the maze.
Implementing spotters can not only prevent people from getting lost but also help maintain your corn maze by keeping track of people who may want to work outside the paths. Any other behavior that could harm your maze can be identified and stopped.
Corn mazes are a great business. If you keep your maze properly maintained throughout the entire “maze season” then you will have a plethora of individuals coming to enjoy the experience of getting lost. You can provide that amazing experience for them and make good money doing it, all it takes is some effort.